Sunday, 5 August 2012

Watch to Watch

The Good Life

From a young age this has always been one of the biggest influence to achieve a self sufficient lifestyle.

From Etsy to Folksy

JHBeulah at Folksy

Now that JHBeulah is selling full- time, the stock has moved to the UK online website Folksy which specialises in Modern British Craft.

From Folksy:
Folksy was created with the aim of showcasing the work of UK designers and makers. James Boardwell and Rob Lee came together to build Folksy in 2007 after being inspired by the energy in the craft communities in the UK as well as North America and Australia.The site launched in summer 2008, employed its first member of staff in 2009 and has since risen to become the most popular UK site for handmade gifts and supplies.
Folksy is based near the University in Sheffield. We have a team of nine full and part-time people all passionate to reclaim craft in the UK and promote the benefits of making things with our hands.
What we’re about
1. Strength in numbers. We believe that professional, portfolio and hobbyist designers and makers can reach a mainstream audience, test markets and grow their business more effectively together with Folksy than through costly galleries and boutique shops.
2. Cottage industries are the future. Small scale production and handmade goods offer ways to be creative, manage resources effectively and support local economies. We’re not anti-corporate but we want thriving micro-global people brands too.
3. Meritocracy is good for everyone. Folksy is not a juried site. We allow all designers and makers to list their work as long as it is hand crafted (no vintage, for example). This creates a meritocracy where great work from hobbyists can rub shoulders with the best from established professional crafters. The work should stand for itself.

You can follow Folksy at: and

Items are being added each and everyday, so do visit JHBeulah at Folksy

Birthday Binding

Wyvern Binders

I had the idea of getting a a book bound full of pages created each by a friend, as a gift for my partners birthday. My partner is the Creative Director of a renowned menswear House on Savile Row London, and so many of her friends work in the creative industry.

It was indeed well received.

From illustrations, photomontages and even a knitted favourite cartoon.

The book was bound beautifully, using cloth from one of her latest collections. Wyvern Bindery is the most traditional and professional in London, and its staff are very warm and friendly. Great characters! I also like the bikes chained up outside, which must belong to the book binders.

Planting Freecycle

Freecycle group

Pursuing a more self sustaining lifestyle, I have looked on freecycle for handy freebies to aid this anti commercial battle. The other week proved to be a delightful break through.
Finding plants on offer can be like gold dust at times, and knowing how expensive these are to buy, this listing was not to be missed. Growing your own herbs, berries, veg and salad is instrument in establishing this desired self sustaining lifestyle.

I found a listing of plants on offer, by a fellow freecycle of whom has no become a friend. Being in the same freecycle group meant that we live cloe by and I am able to cycle over to her, whenever the is another plant she wants to dig up. Nothing made to waste in her garden and a real added credit to my garden.

Freecycle not only makes you think about your household items differently; in that they can be made useful by someone else when you no longer can use it, but it has also built up a community of like minded people and friendship have been formed.

I look forward to this winter when I can pick my next lot of plants from my fellow freecycler!