Saturday, 15 September 2012

Brilliant Businesses

Barry is a very talents carpenter who lives and runs Finger Furniture in Leicester, which so happens to be my family hometown.
We met at the Tweed Run in London this May, when conversation was struck up seeing the matching wooden mud guards and handle bars on his bike. Finger Furniture normally takes on commissional work for domestic kitchens as well as the interiors for camper vans, Barry's past work was on film sets most notably for Wallace & Gromit. This is Barry and his brother at the Tweed Run talking to the penny-farthing cyclist 17_IMG_5624.jpg
Barry very kindly invited me to visit his workshop and showed me how he makes the bike mud guards and handle bars.

working out the measurements for the bike

different shapes, lengths and thicknesses of the handle bars and guards 

I hope to commission Barry in the coming months for JHBeulah delivery bike and in the far future the interiors of JHBeulah boutiques! 

Friday, 14 September 2012

What to Watch

The Wartime Farm

This is a really interesting program where these three people in this clip, live and work on a farm, following the duties and daily tasks during the time of WW2. I have just finished watching the second episode of Wartime Farm and enjoyed learning about the Women's Institute and the Land Girls, which were both ran by Lady Gertrude Denman.

You will find some handy money saving tips, by doing things by yourself home grown and constructed.... like the hay steam box for keeping your stew going and saving the electricity/ gas!

Order your booklet at The Open University website to learn more

Saturday, 1 September 2012

The Necklace Line

Every item produced by JHBeulah are all individual pieces, though some may be made from the same fabric, there will always be variations in the final make up of the piece. JHBeulah is a practice that exercises’ eco principles as far as possible, as well as producing high quality items by the same disciplines and techniques as couture practice. 

Many of the pieces are made from raw silk taken from fabulous wedding gowns, lace purchased from French flea markets and always vintage buttons.


JHBeulah is an eco- friendly women's accessories brand, with the aim of diverting useable quality materials heading for the landfills and reinventing it into something entirely new. The story of this brand is very much lead by the production: protecting the British environment, promoting British made cloth and crafting the product in Britain.

JHBeulah in Boutiques

Dear JHBeulah followers,

I would like to tell everyone that from today JHBeulah Eco Couture is now available in boutiques on Columbia Road London E2.

You will find this unique handmade necklace line at

No. 162. L' Orangerie


No. 146 Marcos & Trump


Shopping on Columbia Street
Columbia Road has a stretch of beautiful small shop, cafes and pubs, with a fantastic bustling market. This road is a perfect location for an indulgent relaxing day out on Sundays.

Online Purchases
The online shop for JHBeulah is still open and will continue to sell the beautiful items, please take a look at what you can expect in the above boutiques.

Please let your friends and family know, of this new and exciting progression.

JHBeulah will continue to work towards being available in a boutique near now.